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The First Memo of a WAHMom

When I tell my friends that I’m starting to work from home, I often receive complementary responses. Oh well indeed, I am lucky to have stumbled upon these kind of work, to have this opportunity to earn extra income and to be there for my kids at the same time.

But hey, it is not at all easy. For the first few months, I spend sleepless nights trying to understand everything. I have no computer background so I literally started from scratch.

I read some mommy bloggers as well and I agree that it is indeed not uncommon that people would think that I’m lucky to do some things that they have no time to do.

As a beginner myself, I know how hard it is to understand the technical terms that pro-bloggers are talking about. Which is why I will write post in this blog as simple as possible for newbies out there who also want to start working at home. So come and let’s learn together.

By the way, if you think you have something to share, please don’t hesitate to leave advise, comments and suggestions in the comments area.

Start learning, start earning!

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