My friends keep on asking me if there are ways to make-money-online without having to own and maintain a website or weblog. There are many ways I can say. One kind of work from home opportunity where you can earn money is by writing fresh content articles with
CONSTANT CONTENT. All you need to do is sign up to be an author and publish as many articles as you can. Article topics depend on your expertise. You can write about family and recreation, home and improvement, love and marriage, anything.
There are 3 options to get paid.
- USAGE - when someone simply uses and publish your article in their website.
- UNIQUE - when someone exclusively buy your article but you still own the rights.
- FULL - when full rights to your article is bought.
With Constant Content, you can also submit photographs, illustrations and videos. All must be fresh and unique.
Check the
SITE HERE and you can see that some authors sell full right up to $250. Of course it depends on the content. Some just sell their articles for $10. Imagine if you submit articles on a regular basis.
Sign up with CONSTANT CONTENT here
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